Friday, September 21, 2018

Welcome Coach Erica to the SAAS staff!

Synergy Athletics All-Stars is pleased to announce the addition of Coach Erica to the SAAS staff of the Little Ladies Tiny Team! 

Coach Erica is no stranger to the world of cheerleading. Cheerleading has been a passion of hers since her toddler years when she started as a peewee football cheerleader in Dallas, Texas. To this day, she remains a Dallas Cowboys super fan! 

She began cheering competitively in middle and high school where she was also the captain of her squad for many years. She also cheered two years of college at IU Southeast. After college, she traded in the title of "athlete" to "coach" and spent six years as a tumbling and stunting coach and two years as a Scottsburg High School Cheerleading Coach. 

Erica's passion is running. She has been known to join our Synergy athlete's on their Sunday-Runday when all of our athlete's, youth to senior, run a mile course together. She ran her first half marathon in 2013 and has completed 13 more since - Las Vegas, Chicago, and Lexington, to name just a few. 

She has been married to her husband, Ralph, for 14 years. Together, they have two great kids, Trista and Travis. Trista is also an athlete with our Synergy program and we love her to pieces! Erica and her family have their very own "funny farm" where they enjoy their 4 dogs, 3 miniature donkeys, a pony, and numerous draft mules.

Coach Erica is "Over the moon excited to jump back into her first love by helping to coach Synergy's Tiny Team". 

Welcome to the team, Coach Erica! Our Little Ladies and Synergy program are very excited for you to join us!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Congratulations Angel! SAAS August 2018 Little Miss Perfect!

Synergy Athletics All-Stars is proud to present our Little Miss Perfect for August 2018 - Angel!

Angel is a FIVE year Synergy Veteran and is a dedicated athlete. This year, she is putting in double the time and competing with our Black Diamonds and Black Ice team's. Not only did Angel have perfect attendance for the month of August, but she has had excellent attendance throughout the year. She is always there to lend a hand at each of our community service events. You will never see her without a smile and she is a great role model for our younger athlete's. Angel has turned into an absolute ROCK STAR this season and we can't wait to see her SAAS on the competition floor!

Congratulations Angel! We are so very proud of you! #synergyenergy